Friday 6 April 2012

Simply Addictive Halva Ice Cream

One of the things I love most about dining out or going over to someone’s house for a meal is being able to try new foods and combinations of flavours. I genuinely believe that there is no better way to be innovated or inspired other than going first-hand to try and experience the creations of other hands. This stunningly epic Halva Ice Cream was the dessert at my God-parents’ home last night and it left me digging in for seconds and immediately asking for the surprisingly easy recipe. My God-sister, the cute girl she is, told me “Oh it’s easy! All you have to do is mash it all up!” I laughed, thinking that she was lying, but indeed that is all you have to do. It’s a three ingredient and three step dessert that tastes like heaven. So kudos to my God-sister and God-mother for creating a recipe where simplicity is key and making everyone go for seconds, because you truly just can’t get enough of this delicious ice cream!

Halva Ice Cream

350-400g Halva*
1 litre Connoisseur Vanilla Ice Cream
1 jar of red grapes in syrup

Take ice cream out of the fridge and allow it to become soft and easy to work with (approximately 30-60 minutes). Cut Halva into small pieces and crush over the ice cream. Blend through the ice cream using a wooden spoon. Place back into the freezer until ready to serve. Place two large scoops of the ice cream in a bowl of your choice and serve with a tablespoon of the grapes and their syrup drizzled on top.

 ·    For this dessert use nut-butter based Halva which crumbles easily and is made from tahini (crushed sesame seeds). There are various types of this halva (i.e. some with chocolate, others with pistachio etc.) choose the one you like the best and suits your tastes. All of them are beautiful. 

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